一,圣母升天节 在整个4代的宗教路线里有个关键词叫做“圣母升天”,这个单词在MEMO和剧情中一再出现,并与21圣礼有着极紧密的联系。 首先,在基督教(天主教)的教义中,的确存在一个节日叫做圣母升天节,这是圣母玛丽亚升天的纪念日。在天主教教义里,圣母玛丽亚具有半神的性质,并且可以传达世人的愿望给基督,能够帮助世人赎罪。当基督升天后,圣母玛丽亚紧接着也升天了,当她的灵魂升入天堂时,便带来赎罪的力量。 我们先来看游戏内部memo对于21圣礼的描述。 Descent of the Holy Mother-The 21 Sacraments (The room under the wheel chair doll) "The Descent of the Holy Mother -- The 21 Sacraments" The First Sign And God said, At the time of fullness, cleanse the world with my rage. Gather forth the White Oil, the Black Cup and the Blood of the Ten Sinners. Prepare for the Ritual of the Holy Assumption. The Second Sign And God said, Offer the Blood of the Ten Sinners and the White Oil. Be then released from the bonds of the flesh, and gain the Power of Heaven. From the Darkness and Void, bring forth Gloom, and gird thyself with Despair of the Giver of Wisdom. The Third Sign And God said, Return to the Source through sin's Temptation. Under the Watchful eye of the demon, wander alone in the formless Chaos. Only then will the Four Atonements be in alignment. The Last Sign And God said, separate from the flesh too, she is who is the Mother Reborn and he who is the Receiver of Wisdom. If this be done, by the Mystery of the 21 Sacraments, the Mother shall be reborn and the Nation of Sin shall be redeemed. 这个MEMO来自于Wish house下密室里的书,描述的是如何举行21圣礼的过程。由于Wish house本身是一个具有特殊意义的机构,它是为宗教目的而建立的孤儿院,因此这本书放在这个地点,很可能表示这本书是用来教育孤儿的。 但在这个MEMO中存在两个疑点: 其一,在第二个步骤中有这样的句子: Offer the Blood of the Ten Sinners and the White Oil. Be then released from the bonds of the flesh, and gain the Power of Heaven. 请注意这里的“heaven”--得到天堂的力量。但这仅仅是仪式的第二步,无论仪式所指圣母为何,她都不可能具有在仪式第二步便创立天堂的力量。在3代的教义中已经明确指出,神归来以后才会有天堂的建立。因此这里的天堂肯定不是天堂一词在教会中的本意。 其二,在第十个步骤中: If this be done, by the Mystery of the 21 Sacraments, the Mother shall be reborn and the Nation of Sin shall be redeemed. 以上的事情都完成之后,在21圣礼的神秘力量的作用下,“母亲”将会复活,罪恶的民族将得到拯救。 问题是:在名为“21圣礼”的结局中,身为“Mother reborn”的爱琳是死亡的。而在同等条件下爱琳生存的结局则名为“Mother”。如果说仪式成功以后母亲会复活的话,就与爱琳的死亡矛盾了。当然我们也可以说这里的母亲指的是Room 302,但是第一个疑点仍然存在。 为了解释这两个疑点,作了这样一个假设:Descent of the Holy Mother-The 21 Sacraments 这本书是为了欺骗孤儿举行仪式而编写的,所以它的用词和描述在一定程度上作了混淆和模糊,使孤儿误认为仪式成功之后其母会复活。事实真相是21圣礼的完成需要身为“Mother reborn”的人的死亡。而第二个步骤中的heaven指的却是Room 302。 这个假设符合了游戏中的另外一个MEMO: But the mother wouldn't wake up. No matter how he tried, she wouldn't wake up. Because the one that he was trying to wake up was actually the Devil. The baby had been deceived. Poor baby. 这里很清楚地表示了孤儿是被欺骗的,华特沙利文对21圣礼的认知是错误的。仪式召唤出来的神和华特沙利文认为的母亲是两回事。
二,华特沙利文的21圣礼进程分析 从以上假设来推测,从华特沙利文的角度进行的21圣礼如下: 首先献上十罪人的血,此时便获得了从Room 302的某种力量,他将自己的一部分肉体挂在了十字架上。为什么说一部分肉体呢?因为从此时起,华特沙利文就拥有了两部分的肉体,一部分是在十字架上的身体,一部分则是游荡来游荡去的大小沙利文。 这符合了MEMO的描述: you must bury part of the Conjurer's mother's flesh within the Conjur er's true body 对应最后关卡的战斗,这里的true body指的是挂在十字架上的白色大怪物 Do so and the Conjurer's unholy flesh will become that which once it was, by the grace of out Lord. 这里的“unholy flesh”则对应的是游荡在外的那个无敌的沙利文。
这个MEMO的完整版如下: Crimson Tome "Cimoson Tome" She who is called the "Holy Mother" be not holy one whit. The "Descent of the Holy Mother" is naught but the Descent of the Devil. Those that be called the "21 Sacraments" be not sacramental one whit. The "21 Sacraments" be naught but the 21 Heresies. To give birth to a realm of wickedness within the blessed realm of our Lord be blasphemy and the work of the Devil. If thou would stop the Descent of the Devil, you must bury part of the Conjurer's mother's flesh within the Conjurer's true body. Thou must also pierce the Conjurer's flesh with the 8 spears of "Void," "Darkness," "Gloom," "Despair," "Temptation," "Source," "Watchfulness" and "Chaos. Do so and the Conjurer's unholy flesh will become that which once it was, by the grace of out Lord. 在四代里存在两套完全相反的说法,一套称21圣礼可以使母亲复活,而另外一套则称复活的是恶魔。上面这个MEMO显然是后者。这个MEMO教导玩家的是如何进行最后关卡的战斗。