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发布日期:2013-3-17 18:45:31 作者: 出处: 浏览:81 人次 【

TDA9109和TDA9109/S能互换吗? 不能互换,内电路有异。
TDA9109S  PIN CONNECTIONS Pin Name Function 1 H/HVIN TTL compatible Horizontal sync Input (separate or composite) 2 VSYNCIN TTL compatible Vertical sync Input (for separated H&V) 3 HLOCKOUT First PLL Lock/Unlock Output (0V unlocked - 5V locked) 4 PLL2C Second PLL Loop Filter 5 C0 Horizontal Oscillator Capacitor 6 R0 Horizontal Oscillator Resistor 7 PLL1F First PLL Loop Filter 8 HPOSITION Horizontal Position Filter (capacitor to be connected to HGND) 9 HMOIRE Horizontal Moiré Output (to be connected to PLL2C through a resistor divider) 10 FOCUSOUT Vertical Dynamic Focus Output 11 HGND Horizontal Section Ground 12 HFLY Horizontal Flyback Input (positive polarity) 13 HREF Horizontal Section Reference Voltage (to be filtered) 14 COMP B+ Error Amplifier Output for frequency compensation and gain setting 15 REGIN Regulation Input of B+ control loop 16 ISENSE Sensing of external B+ switching transistor current 17 B+GND Ground (related to B+ reference adjustment) 18 BREATH DC Breathing Input Control (compensation of vertical amplitude against EHV variation) 19 VGND Vertical Section Ground 20 VAGCCAP Memory Capacitor for Automatic Gain Control Loop in Vertical Ramp Generator 21 VREF Vertical Section Reference Voltage (to be filtered) 22 VCAP Vertical Sawtooth Generator Capacitor 23 VOUT Vertical Ramp Output (with frequency independant amplitude and S or C Corrections if any). It is mixed with vertical position voltage and vertical moiré. 24 EWOUT Pin Cushion - E/W Correction Parabola Output 26 HOUT Horizontal Drive Output (internal transistor, open collector) 25 XRAY X-RAY protection input (with internal latch function) 27 GND General Ground (referenced to VCC) 28 BOUT B+ PWM Regulator Output 29 VCC Supply Voltage (12V typ) 30 SCL I2C Clock Input 31 SDA I2C Data Input 32 5V Supply Voltage (5V typ.) TDA9109  PIN CONNECTIONS Pin Name Function 1 H/HVIN TTL compatible Horizontal sync Input (separate or composite) 2 VSYNCIN TTL compatible Vertical sync Input (for separated H&V) 3 HLOCKOUT First PLL Lock/Unlock Output (0V unlocked - 5V locked) 4 PLL2C Second PLL Loop Filter 5 C0 Horizontal Oscillator Capacitor 6 R0 Horizontal Oscillator Resistor 7 PLL1F First PLL Loop Filter 8 HPOSITION Horizontal Position Filter (capacitor to be connected to HGND) 9 HMOIRE Horizontal Moiré Output (to be connected to PLL2C through a resistor divider) 10 FOCUSOUT Vertical Dynamic Focus Output 11 HGND Horizontal Section Ground 12 HFLY Horizontal Flyback Input (positive polarity) 13 HREF Horizontal Section Reference Voltage (to be filtered) 14 COMP B+ Error Amplifier Output for frequency compensation and gain setting 15 REGIN Regulation Input of B+ control loop 16 ISENSE Sensing of external B+ switching transistor current 17 B+GND Ground (related to B+ reference adjustment) 18 BREATH DC Breathing Input Control (compensation of vertical amplitude against EHV variation) 19 VGND Vertical Section Ground 20 VAGCCAP Memory Capacitor for Automatic Gain Control Loop in Vertical Ramp Generator 21 VREF Vertical Section Reference Voltage (to be filtered) 22 VCAP Vertical Sawtooth Generator Capacitor 23 VOUT Vertical Ramp Output (with frequency independant amplitude and S or C Corrections if any). It is mixed with vertical position voltage and vertical moiré. 24 EWOUT Pin Cushion - E/W Correction Parabola Output 26 HOUT Horizontal Drive Output (internal transistor, open collector) 25 XRAY X-RAY protection input (with internal latch function) 27 GND General Ground (referenced to VCC) 28 BOUT B+ PWM Regulator Output 29 VCC Supply Voltage (12V typ) 30 SCL I2C Clock Input 31 SDA I2C Data Input 32 5V Supply Voltage (5V typ.) 附上9109和9109S的数据提供给您参考
TDA9109和TDA9109/S能互换吗? 具体的您可登<21IC中国电子网>查TDA9109S和TDA9109,本来我想发附件给您,但没有办法发SORRY
3楼提供的资料不太准确:TDA9109与TDA9109S的区别在于9脚,前者是HFOCUSCAP(即水平动态聚焦振荡器外接电 容),后才是HMOIRE(即莫尔纹校正输出)。 但在实际应用中,TDA9109S的9脚多为置空不用,而TDA9109的9脚通常外接CAP电容,所以,如果机器原来是使用水 平动态聚焦功能的或莫尔纹校正功能的,两者就不能直接代换,除非关闭各自的功能。这需要调整总线数据。
从两者的PDF看,应该可以代换,但要修改外围元件参数或存储器相应的数据。 如果没有把握,直接用TDA9109S代吧,我们都有。
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[显示器] ·版主TDA9109和TDA9109/S能互换吗?2013-03-17
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