Time Attack mode 限时模式 游戏通关一次,进入新游戏,在祠庙里调查巨像的雕像,就能进入限时模式
Time Attack mode bonuses 限时模式通关后的奖励
Whistling Arrow: Distracts a Colossus 哨箭:让巨像分神
Cloak of Force: Sword damages a Colossus more 原力战袍:用剑给巨像更多伤害
Mask of Strength: Inflict greater wounds to a Colossus 力量面具:让巨像得到极大创伤
Lizard Detection Stone: Detects white tailed lizards 蜥蜴搜索魔石:侦查白尾蜥蜴(是一种尾巴发光的.砍死它.发光的尾巴就会掉下来..吃了是增加臂力上限的)
Fruit Tree Map: Reveals the Fruit Trees on map 果树地图:发现地图上的果树(是增加HP上限的)
Mask of Power: Inflict greater wounds to a Colossus 魔力面具:让巨像得到极大创伤
Cloak of Deception: Invisible to a Colossus 隐身斗篷:巨像看不到你
Flash Arrow: Explodes when hits Colossus 闪电箭:击中巨像时爆炸
Brown Horse: Hold Square to start game at the main menu to get a brown horse 棕色小马:在游戏主菜单按住方块点“开始游戏”可得到棕色小马一匹,而不是黑马了。
Harpoon Of Thunder:A new Colossus-whacking weapon 雷霆鱼叉:狂揍巨像的新武器
Sword Of The Sun:Allows the light beacon to operate even in patches of shadow 太阳宝剑:让光塔在阴影里也可以工作
Fruit Tree Map: Reveals the Fruit Trees on map 果树地图:发现地图上的果树
Shaman''s Cloak:Hero''s defencese increased and he takes less damage 教士斗篷:增加防御力,减少受到的伤害
Lizard Detection Stone: Detects white tailed lizards 蜥蜴搜索魔石:侦查白尾蜥蜴
Shaman''s Mask:Increases the hero''s defence. This cheat''s effects stacks with the Shaman''s Cloak. Think Red Ring from Legend of Zelda 教士面具:增加防御力,和教士斗篷的效果可以叠加。想象塞尔达传说里的红戒指吧
Cloth Of Desperation:Hand-made parachute allows for soft landings. Similar to the gliding ability in Sly Cooper 绝望套装:手工打造的降落伞可以让你软着陆,与狡狐大冒险的滑翔能力类似
Queen''s Sword From Ico:An ICO easter egg. It has the side benefit of killing a Colossus with great ease, but without the nuclear fallout ICO里的女王宝剑:ICO里面的一个隐藏彩蛋。附加效果是可以像核弹那样很容易的轰倒巨像,就是不用担心放射尘。