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游戏 - 家用机游戏 - PC - PC游戏攻略 - 浏览游戏
发布日期:2013-3-12 18:05:02 作者: 出处: 浏览:187 人次 【

在游戏安装目录找到swkotor2.ini文件,用记事本打开,找到[Game Options]一栏,在其下面写上:



 以下是取得的效果                     以下是输入的秘技

 Gives 99 comspikes                      givecomspikes
 Gives ## credits                       givecredits ##
 Gives ## exp                         addexp ##
 Raises charisma to ## level                 setcharisma ##
 Raises wisdom to ## level                  setwisdom ##
 Raises intelligence to ## level               setintelligence ##
 Raises constitution ## level                 setconstitution ##
 Raises dexterity to ## level                 setdexterity ##
 Raises strength to ## level                 setstrength ##
 Raisessecurity to ## level                  setsecurity ##
 Raises repair to ## level                  setrepair ##
 Raises persuade to ## level                 setpersuade ##
 Raises awareness to ## level                 setawareness ##
 Raises demolitions to ## level                setdemolitions ##
 Raises stealth to ## level                  setstealth ##
 Raises treat injury to ## level               settreatinjury ##
 Raises computer use to ## level               setcomputeruse ##

 Gives darkside points (if you dont
 put a number it will give you the              givedarkside ##
 maximum number of dark points possible)

 Gives lightside points (if you dont
 put a number it will give you the maximum          givelightside ##
 number of light points possible)

 Makes the entire map of your current area completely visible. revealmap
 Infinite use of items                     infiniteuses
 Invincible, never hurt                     invulnerability
 Refills characters health points and force points.       heal

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