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游戏 - 家用机游戏 - PC - PC游戏攻略 - 浏览游戏
发布日期:2013-3-15 18:20:19 作者: 出处: 浏览:263 人次 【

头盔:Pain Shell Grand Crawn (无忧极品皇冠)

Defence 181

Durability 50-50

Required Level 25

Fast Hit Recover

EnHanced Defence

Cold Resist 7%

Lighting Resist 43%

48 To Life

Attacker Takes Damage Of 5

耳环:The Mahim Oak Curio (马赫橡木古勋章)

10 Defence

40 To Attack Rating

20 To Mana

20 To Life

5 To Dexterity

单手剑:Gale Spike Ancient Sward(远古风速剑)

One Hand Damage 43 To 97

Durability 44-44

Required Dexterity 88

Required Level 26

Required Strength 127

Sward Class - Fast Attack Speed

Prevent Monster Heal

EnHanced Damage

Poison Resist 14%

Add 4-14 Poison Damage After 3 Second

Add 1-16 Lighting Damage

54 Attack Rating

盔甲:Death Lack Ornate Plate(不死金制甲)

Defence 897

Durability 60-60

Required Strength 136

Required Level 27

Requirements -20%

EnHanced Defence

Poison Resist 11%

Cold Resist 19%

47 To Life

盾牌:Stone Rock Grime Shield(石崩尘封盾)

Defence 244

Success Blocking 30%

Smite Damage 50 To 10

Durability 40-40

Required Strength 58

Required Level 30

10% Damage Taken Goes To Mana

EnHanced Defence

Replenish Life 3

Magic Damage Reduced By 1

2 To Life

Attacker Takes Damage Of 2

手套:Death Hand War Ganlets (加来特之手)

Defence 98

Durability 24-24

Required Strength 110

5 To Light Radius

EnHanced Defence

Poison Resist 12%

11 To Attack Rating

16 To Life

戒指A:The Stone Of LorLan Ring (罗兰戒指)

1 To All Skill Levels

Increase Maximam Mana 25%

Add 1to 12 Lighting Damage

20 To Mana

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[PC游戏攻略] ·看看我的装备,有可取之处2013-03-15
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