This is a chance of doing double damage. This bonus is applied after skills such as Critical Strike and any other damage bonuses. If you have Critical Strike and Deadly Strike, you can do up to 4x damage in a single hit!(Deadly Strike有机会造成双倍的打击伤害,在打击后会验证某些技能,例如Critical Strike:Amazon专有和其它类型的伤害,如果你有Critical Strike技能,武器装备上还有Deadly Strike的话,在一击之中,将有可能造成4倍的伤害!)
This is a chance of making a monster bleed uncontrollably. They lose health while bleeding.(Open Wounds有机会造成怪物因受伤而流血不止,它们的生命会因流血而流失)
This is a chance of reducing a monster′s health by 50% in a single blow.(Crushing Blow有机会在一击之中减少怪物 50%的生命)